Sako Powerhead Blade Review – the new lead-free hunting ammunition

Sako has revised its lead-free ammunition and launched a new bullet. Under the name “Blade” you can find this lead-free hunting ammunition in different calibers. The bullet is a pure copper bullet and the cartridge is very accurate by charge and construction. Thus, it has match qualities that are required in hunting.

In this article we would like to inform you about the Sako Powerhead Blade and show you how the ammunition presents itself both on the shooting range and in practice.

Sako Powerhead Blade

Effect levels of the Sako Powerhead Blade

The copper bullet has five different levels of effectiveness.

To ensure direct mushrooming, the bullet has a plastic tip. This tip ensures that the bullet does not first have to accumulate tissue, but can expand directly on impact. In this process, the plastic tip is pushed into the bullet on impact. Sako calls this opening of the projectile the reaction chamber. This reaction chamber, i.e. the opening of the bullet is constructed and shaped in such a way that deformation is ensured even with weak game.

The expansion grooves located in the bullet opening then further ensure uniform bullet mushrooming. Here, the mass of the bullet expands into four large plumes and cause the stopping action. In order to achieve an optimum diameter, the expansion chamber is located underneath: this is shaped in such a way that the plume formation can function uniformly without departing.

In order to ensure a high residual weight and thus a safe rejection, this process is terminated in the fifth part, the expansion stop. Stopping the plume formation is very important, because you want to achieve as much cross-sectional widening as possible to open the wound channel wide without the bullet plumes departing. Thus, the bullet can release more energy in the game body.

Test shooting on the shooting range and ballistic data

First we used the cartridge in cal. .30-06 Spr. test shot at the shooting range and calibrated to the weapon. A Ruger American Rifle, with a shortened 52 cm barrel and a Geco 2.5-15×56 target telescopic sight was used.

  • Sako .30-06 Powerhead Blade 170 gr. - 20 Stk. ✓ Schneller Versand ✓ TOP-Preis ✓ Passendes Jagd- und Sportwaffen Sortiment ✓ Fachberatung

    Sako hat das neue bleifreie BLADE-Geschoss entwickelt, um die Bedürfnisse der anspruchsvollsten bleifreien Jäger zu erfüllen. Eine der Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung des Geschosses mit alternativen Materialien war die unzureichende Leistung ... weiterlesen

    • Wildart: Damwild, Rehwild, Rotwild, Wildschwein
    • Kaliber: .30-06 Spring.
    • Schadstoffarm: ja
    • Geschoss: Powerhead Blade
    • Geschossgewicht: 170 gr
    • Anwendungsbereich: Jagd
    • Geschossart: Deformationsgeschoss
    • GEE: 174 m
    • Geschossenergie E100: 3267 Joule
    • Geschwindigkeit V100: 771 m/s
    • Bleifrei: ja
    • Verpackungsgröße: 20 Schuss
    86,40 EUR
    Zum Produkt

The manufacturer’s ballistic data refer to the barrel length of 60 cm. Therefore, it can be assumed that with the 52 cm barrel used, the bullet is somewhat slower and therefore not all the energy is reached. However, this fact had no effect on the precision and effect of the tested cartridge. Especially in practice, shorter and shorter barrels are used due to the use of silencers. Therefore, the test in this run was very important to us. One can roughly assume an energy reduction of 5%.

After the gun was fired in, we were able to achieve very tight scattering circles. Here we have achieved a scattering circle of a 2 € piece at 100 m with four shots (shot image). The ammunition therefore proves to be very accurate, as you would expect from the Sako company. The manufacturer promises consistent accuracy with all common types of weapons for which the ammunition is intended.

Shot image
Shot image

With the 11.0 g / 170 grs bullet weight, the pure blade copper bullet is in the normal weight class of the .30-06 Spr.

The ammunition is additionally available in 9.3×62, .308 Win., 6.5×55 SE, .300 Win. Mag. and 6.5 Creedmoor. Additional calibers are planned.

  • Sako 9,3x62 Powerhead Blade 230 gr. - 20 Stk. ✓ Schneller Versand ✓ TOP-Preis ✓ Passendes Jagd- und Sportwaffen Sortiment ✓ Fachberatung

    Sako hat das neue bleifreie BLADE-Geschoss entwickelt, um die Bedürfnisse der anspruchsvollsten bleifreien Jäger zu erfüllen. Eine der Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung des Geschosses mit alternativen Materialien war die unzureichende Leistung ... weiterlesen

    • Kaliber: 9,3x62
    • Wildart: Rotwild, Wildschwein
    • Schadstoffarm: ja
    • Geschoss: Powerhead Blade
    • Geschossgewicht: 230 gr
    • Anwendungsbereich: Jagd
    • Geschossart: Deformationsgeschoss
    • GEE: 158 m
    • Geschossenergie E100: 3644 Joule
    • Geschwindigkeit V100: 699 m/s
    • Bleifrei: ja
    • Verpackungsgröße: 20 Schuss
    106,10 EUR
    Zum Produkt
  • Sako .308 Powerhead Blade 162 gr. - 20 Stk. ✓ Schneller Versand ✓ TOP-Preis ✓ Passendes Jagd- und Sportwaffen Sortiment ✓ Fachberatung

    Sako hat das neue bleifreie BLADE-Geschoss entwickelt, um die Bedürfnisse der anspruchsvollsten bleifreien Jäger zu erfüllen. Eine der Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung des Geschosses mit alternativen Materialien war die unzureichende Leistung ... weiterlesen

    • Kaliber: .308 Win.
    • Wildart: Damwild, Rehwild, Rotwild, Wildschwein
    • Schadstoffarm: ja
    • Geschoss: Powerhead Blade
    • Geschossgewicht: 162 gr
    • Anwendungsbereich: Jagd
    • Geschossart: Deformationsgeschoss
    • GEE: 167 m
    • Geschossenergie E100: 2878 Joule
    • Geschwindigkeit V100: 740 m/s
    • Bleifrei: ja
    • Verpackungsgröße: 20 Schuss
    83,70 EUR
    Zum Produkt
  • Sako 8x57 IS Powerhead Blade 180 gr. - 20 Stk. ✓ Schneller Versand ✓ TOP-Preis ✓ Passendes Jagd- und Sportwaffen Sortiment ✓ Fachberatung

    Sako hat das neue bleifreie BLADE-Geschoss entwickelt, um die Bedürfnisse der anspruchsvollsten bleifreien Jäger zu erfüllen. Eine der Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung des Geschosses mit alternativen Materialien war die unzureichende Leistung ... weiterlesen

    • Kaliber: 8x57 IS
    • Wildart: Damwild, Rehwild, Rotwild, Wildschwein
    • Schadstoffarm: ja
    • Geschoss: Powerhead Blade
    • Geschossgewicht: 180 gr
    • Anwendungsbereich: Jagd
    • Geschossart: Deformationsgeschoss
    • GEE: 174 m
    • Geschossenergie E100: 3298 Joule
    • Geschwindigkeit V100: 774 m/s
    • Bleifrei: ja
    • Verpackungsgröße: 20 Schuss
    87,50 EUR
    Zum Produkt

For this purpose, the ballistic data of the cartridge. Running length is 60 cm:

Caliber.30-06 Spr..308 Win.9,3×626.5×55 SE.300 Win. Mag.6.5 Creedmoor
Weight g/grs11.0 g / 170 grs10.5 g / 162 grs14.9 g / 230 grs7.8 g / 120 grs11.0 g / 170 grs7.8 g / 120 grs
V0845 m/s815 m/s780 m/s875 m/s920 m/s890 m/s
V100771 m/s740 m/s699 m/s789 m/s844 m/s817 m/s
V200700 m/s669 m/s623 m/s707 m/s772 m/s747 m/s
V300632 m/s602 m/s551 m/s629 m/s703 m/s680 m/s
E03,927 joules3.487 joules4,533 joules2,986 joules4.655 joules3.089 joules
E1003,267 joules2,878 joules3,644 joules2,425 joules3.922 joules2.602 joules
E2002,694 joules2,353 joules2,893 joules1,948 joules3,279 joules2.174 joules
E3002,200 joules1,903 joules2.264 joules1,544 joules2,718 joules1,802 joules
GEE174 m167 m158 m178 m196 m183 m
BC value0.399 BC G10.390 BC G10.342 BC G10.348 BC G10.410 BC G10.416 BC G1

Most of the time, it is difficult for lead-free bullets to respond properly, especially with weak game. Often the bullet lacks the necessary resistance in the game body. However, this problem is solved by the polymer tip in modern lead-free bullets, such as the Sako Blade. Here, these, somewhat firmer bullets, can target. In days gone by, people often had the problem that harder bullets, much like full metal jacket bullets, had little effect in weak game bodies.

The Sako Powerhead Blade in practice test

In hunting practice, we have now tested what the ammunition Sako Blade performs on the hunt. Only facts count here, because paper is patient.

In order to convince ourselves of the cartridge in practice as well, we saw deer hunting as the optimal test scenario here.

Since in the Saarland at the moment the hunt on roe bucks and narrow roe deer already on 01.04. starts, this is the right time to test the cartridge. During this period, bucks assert their territories and game accidents are more frequent. Therefore, we decided to shoot a buck near the road in the early evening.


Shortly before dusk, the previously known roebuck emerged from the hedgerow onto the open area at a distance of about 120 m. The buck was found to be in the open area. In our opinion, the medium-aged buck can be shot in such a hunting ground section, as the risk of a deer accident is very high at this time of the year.

After a short speech we decided to put the ball on.

The shot was almost ideal, so that the buck was at the starting point and no further search was necessary. Only the reject was on the blade, but this did not result in any major game board scoring. Despite bone hits, the scrap was kept within limits.


Lung sweat oozed directly from the caliber-sized bullet hole.

In order to through our years of experience with the use of lead-free cartridges, we consider this hit seat ideal. The leaves can be almost completely denied and an unintentional dead flight is prevented. Thus, this combines an ideal killing effect with the lowest game board degradation.


With the Sako Blade cartridge, hematoma formation is moderate, as is usual with lead-free deformation bullets. After removal of the wound canal, the piece could be almost completely given over to consumption.


With this in-house development of a monolithic lead-free deformation bullet, Sako shows that it is absolutely directed for the lead-free market and has developed a very balanced cartridge with very high precision. Here, the needs in the killing effect and hit performance of the cartridge are satisfied 100%.
In this respect, it is a real competitor to its American relatives.

Benjamin Wagner
Benjamin Wagner
Benjamin Wagner ist Trainer im jagdlichen und dynamischen Schießen von Kurz- und Langwaffen. Er war lange Jahre als Ausbilder in einer Jagdschule im Saarland tätig. In seiner Freizeit ist er passionierter Jäger, Falkner und Angler. Seine Spezialgebiete sind bleifreie Munition, Waffen, Zielfernrohre und das Wiederladen.

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